It can happen several times that a light bulb burns out. This is a very common problem, but you don’t need to worry because there is a way to fix it. No need to call an electrician, you can have it fixed in less than 60 seconds. You save money and time: let’s find out more.
If you have a burnt-out light bulb at home, don’t think about throwing it away or replacing it, because you can fix it in just a few steps. In one minute you will have solved the problem with this method, unbelievable to believe, but it’s true. Stop throwing money away because you can fix it with little money. This technique is used by electricians and is really very simple: let’s find out how to do it.
Burnt out bulb: that’s why it happens!
The light bulb can burn out for various reasons. For example, if the voltage of the mains supply in the house is too high. Avoid switching the light bulb on and off too often during the day, as this can lead to an electric shock.
This happens even if a connection is not properly hooked into the socket of a light bulb. It is indeed good to check that everything is properly soldered, but first remember to switch off the power, because any electrical operation must be done safely .
Or, if you notice that the light bulb has suddenly gone out and burnt out, a short circuit could be the cause. But why does this happen? It may happen that the electric current does not work in its established path, therefore a strong friction occurs .
Continued on next page
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