Whoopi Goldberg, a renowned actress, television host, and political commentator, has once again made headlines with her outspoken support for Brittney Griner, the celebrated American basketball player. In a recent episode of “The View,” Goldberg passionately defended Griner against the pervasive racial biases and criticisms that have surrounded her career. Goldberg’s message was clear: “DON’T JUDGE HER FOR ‘SKIN COLOR’, LOOK AT HER TALENT.”
Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken
Beware! You Must Do This Every Time You Eat Chia!
Pineapple Kiwi Melon Juice: A Tasty Boost for Digestion and Immunity
She puts the egg in an ice cube tray: brilliant trick to try
If You Don’t Have A Half Moon Shape On Your Nails, Visit A DOCTOR Immediately
Harris ‘glad’ Trump is safe after gunshots reported, says ‘violence has no place in America’
Mend Holes in Your T-Shirt with Angela Brown’s Effortless Trick
With heavy hearts, we remember the remarkable legacy he leaves behind
Unleash Your Inner Child at the Theme Park!