Recognized for giving flavor to our meals, onion is a condiment that has more than one ace up its sleeve. Few people know it, but this vegetable makes everyday life easier in many ways. It is surprising, but it is used both to clean certain surfaces and to relieve skin conditions. And did you know that it effectively fights rust?
Rust is a corrosion phenomenon that builds up over time on iron when it is exposed to air and moisture for too long. This oxidation reaction causes the formation of brown spots on various items. Some easy and inexpensive home remedies will help you quickly get rid of all rust stains. Avoid unnecessary expenses and aggressive substances, onions will do wonders!
How can onions remove rust?
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Chopped onions – Source: spm
When cleaning, it is often advisable to opt for the natural alternative so as not to damage materials or surfaces with overly abrasive products. With onions, for example, you can remove rust stains from any metal surface without damaging it.
Onion is not just a condiment that gives a particular flavor to our recipes. It is also used for other purposes, in particular to maintain certain items in the home. It is used, for example, to clean the oven rack. In addition to removing dirt residue, it also has the ability to disinfect metals.
Here are the steps to follow to remove rust:
Rub the rusty object with halved onions.
Wipe with a damp sponge.
Apply again with a microfiber cloth to polish well.
With this method, you will remove unwanted rust stains without leaving a trace.
And if by chance there are still some recalcitrant ones left, you can apply a mixture of salt with lemon juice. Pour this solution directly onto the rusty area and leave it to act for about 30 minutes. After this time, rub the object well with a damp sponge, then dry with a microfiber cloth.
Another effective trick to remove rust
fresh onions
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Fresh onions – Source: spm
Here is another very promising method to remove traces of rust: mix vinegar with cooking oil. Brush the mixture on the affected areas. Depending on the degree of dirt, leave it to act for a few hours. Then scrub the rusty areas with a soft cloth. An old toothbrush or wire brush can also help remove very stubborn rust stains.
Other unexpected uses of onions
Relieving the pain of a bee sting
Does that surprise you? And yet, onion is particularly recommended in these types of situations. If you have been stung by a bee, after removing the stinger and washing the area, apply the pulp of half an onion to the affected area. This should help relieve the pain. Crushed garlic also works!
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