How To Make Delicious Mulligan Stew | September 28, 2023
- °All-purpose flour cup
- °½ teaspoon onion powder
- °Half a teaspoon of garlic powder
- °teaspoon freshly ground pepper
- °1 pound beef broth
- °2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- °1 medium onion chopped
- °2 cups low-sodium beef broth
- °½ teaspoon dried thyme
- °¼ teaspoon dried basil
- °1 teaspoon dried marjoram
- °2 medium size golden potatoes, cut into cubes
- °1 bag (19 ounces) frozen mixed vegetables (corn, carrots, peas, green beans)
- Preheat oven 350 degrees. Add the flour, onion powder, garlic powder, and freshly ground black pepper to…
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