No matter who I recommend this recipe to, everyone is delighted and wonders why they hadn’t made it this way before. The result is a delicious whole-berry jam with a real strawberry flavor and aroma.
Strawberry Jam Secrets Tip #1: Wash Strawberries the Right Way. Strawberries absorb water quickly, so wash them quickly under running water. You can use a strainer and rinse in small batches so the berries don’t have time to absorb the water.
Tip #2: Waterless Jam
For the jam, we use only strawberry juice. Cover the berries with sugar and let them sit for several hours or overnight. We always add sugar to the strawberries in the evening and start cooking in the morning. A lot of juice is created.
Tip #3: Perfect Kitchen Utensils
It’s best to use a wide, low container. This allows moisture to evaporate more quickly and keeps the cooking temperature low. We have a special bowl for strawberry jam that can’t be replaced with anything.
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