Lime is a familiar spice that everyone knows. You can use lemon for dipping sauces, salads, as a spice for dishes or use lemon to mix drinks, soft drinks. Most people will buy Limes and store them in the refrigerator for later use. Storing lemons in the refrigerator is not wrong, but after a while, the lemons will gradually wither and even spoil. To preserve lemons longer, always have them available at home for use, you can apply the following tips.
1. Store limes in sand
Choose fresh, juicy lemons, then wash them and let them drain.
Prepare a jar or pot and some clean sand. The amount of sand must be enough to bury all the lemons and the sand must not contain soil, trash, gravel, etc. Spray a little water to moisten the sand.
Spread a layer of sand on the bottom of the jar/pot and then arrange the limes on top. For each layer of lemons, spread a layer of sand. Do this until all the lemons are gone. The top layer will be sand covering the lemon.
Leave the lime jar in a cool place, away from sunlight.
With this method, you can preserve limes for about 2 months. Each time you use it, just take the lemon out and wash it. This is the way to preserve lemons, grapefruits, oranges, tangerines… that our ancestors used to use.
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