In order to keep things interesting and progressing, to keep the blood flowing and prevent stagnation in different parts of the body, life has to be somewhat shook up every so then.
I see life as a jug of unfiltered apple or orange juice: after a while, the pulp, which contains all the delicious fruit, will settle to the bottom if you don’t shake it, and the liquid on top will taste watered down and flat, never reaching its full flavor potential. If it tastes “OK” or “so-so,” it won’t be something to write home about.
Plus, when something is only “OK” or “so-so,” it’s easy to lose interest, right?
However, by consistently shaking that jug of delightful unfiltered juice, the sugary sediments will dissolve into the beautiful liquid, reviving every iced glass for an exceptionally rich and tasty taste.
In my mind, we live in a perpetually stagnant “juice jug” that, unless periodically shaken, can never hold the tantalizing flavors that life has the potential to offer. We’ll simply keep chugging the thin liquid at the top, and eventually we’ll start to notice that everything tastes kind of boring, but we won’t be able to put our finger on why.
Continued on next page
How to detect negative energies in your home with salt water and vinegar
Scratches on home furniture
Cornbread Waffle Bites with Honey Butter Syrup
NFL pr0claims a permaпent ban 0n the ‘Black Nati0nal Anthem,’ stating, “There’s 0nly 0ne Nati0nal Anthem.”
Now this is totally heaven in your mouth with every bite!