Know Yourself Test: Way You Hold Your Phone Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits
Phone Holding Style Personality Test: The way you hold your phone reveals a lot about your personality. Do you hold your phone with both hands and both thumbs? Do you hold your phone with one thumb one hand? Do you hold your phone with one hand and index finger of another hand?
Know Yourself Test: If you consciously notice the way people hold their mobile phone, you will learn that everyone of us has a distinct way of holding our phones. We all know so far through our personality tests series that everything we do has a psychological explanation behind it. Studies have revealed that our actions and way we conduct ourselves in every day life can tell a lot about our personality. In our Jagran Josh Personality Traits series, let us today explore what does the way you hold your phone say about you. We have gathered 4 ways of holding your phone and we shall look into the personality traits associated with each style.
Know Yourself Test: Way You Hold Your Phone Reveals Your Personality Traits
-1 If You Hold Your Phone with One Hand and One Thumb:
If you hold your phone with one hand and one thumb of the same hand to scroll, your personality traits reveal you are an optimistic, self-assured, carefree person. You live in acceptance of how life may come. You are not a whiny or complaining person. You are confident in your abilities. If something does not work out the way you thought it would, you still see a blessing in that and a lesson to learn. You move on in life quickly. You also like to explore and push yourself out of your comfort zone. These personality traits surely do help you achieve your goals and ambitions in professional life however they are detrimental to your relationship of love life.
Phone Holding Position Personality Traits: Optimistic, self-assured, carefree, lives in acceptance with life, and likes to explore and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
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