Te kruche ciasteczka migdałowe to prawdziwa uczta dla podniebienia. Ich przygotowanie jest proste, a efekt końcowy zachwyca zarówno smakiem, jak i wyglądem. Sekret tkwi w wysokiej jakości składnikach i odpowiednim czasie pieczenia, dzięki czemu ciasteczka są idealnie kruche i aromatyczne.
250 g mąki pszennej
150 g masła, schłodzonego i pokrojonego w kostkę
100 g cukru pudru
100 g zmielonych migdałów
1 jajko
1 łyżeczka ekstraktu migdałowego
szczypta soli
A son took his mother to a nursing home, where he visited her from time to time. One day he was called because his mother was not feeling well
Two-Ingredient: Breakfast Cake
Zesty Marinated Peppers Recipe
Teeth whitening in just 2 minutes – turning yellow and accumulated tartar into milk-like white and shiny.
Dirty and yellowed kit, the remedy to whiten it without having to wash it in the washing machine
Brave toddler agrees to sing national anthem before crowd, only to have 6,000 people on their feet
The Amazing Benefits of Starting Your Day with Honey and Turmeric
Boil orange peels with cloves every evening
After her country album, “She Can Never Be Country,” received no nominations, Beyoncé was permanently barred from the CMA – Satire.