Condensation is a natural phenomenon that often occurs during the winter period, when warm air comes into contact with cold air. It can appear daily on your windows, indicating at the same time humidity problems in your home.
Fortunately, it is possible to get rid of it using a simple and inexpensive trick. You will not have to incur additional expenses when using this natural ingredient.
To get rid of condensation on your windows, you should follow this simple and inexpensive trick. This will prevent the appearance of moisture and limit the proliferation of mold. This humidity problem must be taken seriously because mold can be harmful to your health, especially if you have respiratory problems.
Condensation on a window. source: spm
Use salt to prevent condensation on your windows
To limit the appearance of humidity on your windows, you should use salt that you will find in one of the cabinets in your kitchen. To do this, place a container full of salt on your windowsill and let it sit overnight . Repeat the operation, if you find that the salt has hardened, replace it. Nothing could be simpler than this economical solution to overcome condensation on your windows. Therefore, there is no need to invest in an air dehumidifier to overcome this problem. Salt has an effective absorbent power against humidity.
Get more tips to get rid of condensation on your windows
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