Lemons can have many uses, not only in the kitchen, but this one we describe today will leave you speechless.
Limone sulla scopa
The fact that lemon is useful for cleaning the house has long been known, but few knew that you can put it on the broom.
Lemon is a very versatile citrus fruit. Of course, it can be used in the kitchen to prepare sweet and savory dishes. The lemons of the Amalfi Coast are famous, which are also suitable for preparing a very Italian alcoholic drink: limoncello.
But lemon is also used for cleaning. It is excellent for degreasing and deodorizing and should never be missing in our kitchen. In addition, it can also be useful together with other, always natural ingredients, such as baking soda. In short, it is not only used to season salads or fish. Another use at home will delight you. Let’s see which one it is next.
Why put it on the broom?
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