There is no escape from greasy stains in the kitchen: even the most careful housewives have sticky, dirty areas. Oil splashes, pieces dropped on the floor, food leftovers stuck to various surfaces – household members and pets add to the work. Fortunately, there is a very simple and easy way to wash off any dirt, even the oldest ones. I recently learned about it, successfully tested it and was pleased with the result. I am sharing tricks for a clean and fresh kitchen!
The best way to clean
A simple method is to combine two natural products and wash your kitchen surfaces with this solution. Recipe:
- vodka or alcohol (diluted with water) – 1 part;
- your detergent (which you use to wash dishes) – 4 parts.
- Pour the mixture into a spray bottle or bowl, arm yourself with a clean cloth, and you can attack greasy stains.
- The product is applied to dirty surfaces: now you need to wait a few minutes for the substances to work, breaking down the fat and plaque.
- When 5 minutes have passed, I take a clean dry cloth and wipe all treated surfaces. An important condition is that the cloth must be dry!
- The greasy film disappears without a trace!
If you don’t have any alcohol at home, you can take other substances that are no less effective. For example:
- table vinegar;
- citric acid.
Any of them copes well with grease: just drop the product on a sponge and wipe the surfaces. I like to treat hard-to-reach places with a sponge: foam rubber is easily crumpled, fits under cabinet handles. After treating with lemon or vinegar, you need to wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth so that there is no sharp smell and possible stains.
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