Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for maintaining many bodily functions, far beyond maintaining bone health.
Recently, more and more research is highlighting its role in supporting the immune system, preventing metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation, infections, and even treating certain autoimmune diseases and various types of cancer.
In this article, we will explore the best time of day to optimize vitamin D absorption and improve your overall health.
Sources of Vitamin D and Its Role in Our Bodies
Vitamin D can be obtained through two main sources: sun exposure and diet. When it comes to sun, it is through exposure to UVB rays that our skin produces this valuable vitamin. When it comes to diet, foods such as oily fish, eggs, and cod liver oil are good sources.
In addition to maintaining bone density, vitamin D also plays a key role in strengthening the immune system and helps prevent various metabolic disorders. Many studies show that vitamin D deficiency may be associated with a higher occurrence of autoimmune diseases, infections, and some cancers.
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