Roberta Hoskie, a successful real estate agent, accidentally dropped a $10,000 check while she was busy working in town. She was carrying so many things that the check slipped out of her hands onto the street.
Later, a homeless man named Elmer Alvarez called Roberta. He had found the check and wanted to return it because he felt it was the right thing to do. Elmer even took the time to search for Roberta’s business name so he could find her phone number.
Breaking News: ABC fires David Muir and Linsey Davis as debate moderators: ‘They are a disgrace to journalism’.
Influential Figure Withdraws His Exclusive Show from ABC – “They’re a Disgrace to the Media Industry”
The best Ciabatta recipe
The apple dessert the world is going crazy about!
3 Ingredients will be enough to clean and make pans burned on the outside shine
Banana Egg Pancakes