A gourmet recipe, it’s my all-time favorite homemade, easy to make
250g flour
400g milk = 400 ml
3 eggs
30g sugar
1 tsp salt
2 sachets vanilla sugar
25g butter
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Put These 3 Ingredients In A Slow Cooker For Pork Chops That Melt In Your Mouth
Eight Must-Have Ingredients for Growing Great Tomatoes Fast:
Homemade Picadillo with Flour tortillas
Helaty Pickled Beets Recipe
Discovering Tupperware Tuppertoys Pop-A-Lot Ball Shooter Set
My man is totally obsessed with this dish. He’s on my case to whip it up weekly.
Just do this thing and all the dirt will come out of the washing machine soon after
Guilt-Free Dessert: A No-Sugar, No-Oil Delight
Horseradish Can Help Reduce Waist Fat: Lose Up to 1 cm Daily!