Sleep disorders are commonplace. Stress, financial worries, work and family obligations can sometimes lead to incessant thoughts that prevent a peaceful sleep. However, some people wake up every night at the same time without understanding why.
Chinese medicine provides some answers: it seems that the time frame of your unexpected awakening can reveal some secrets.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, a body in perfect health is an organism in which energy circulates harmoniously in the meridians that compose it. They represent the channels in the human body that receive the flow of energy. The circulation of this energy occurs over the course of 24 hours and determines the so-called circadian rhythm.
Furthermore, Chinese medicine professionals know that unexpected awakenings can reflect dysfunctions in the body or in a person’s life.
Time windows and interruptions
Chinese medicine believes that if a person wakes up every day at the same time, it means that a higher energy is sending them a certain message. By understanding the messages and signals that the body sends, we reach a level of well-being that allows us to greet the future with serenity.
see the continuation on the next page
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