Do you wake up between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM? You are stressed
If your sleep has been interrupted between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM, you will be overwhelmed by stress. They tend to think about past events and anticipate future ones, sometimes unconsciously.
Being a perfectionist, you find it difficult to let go of your ideas to give your body the rest it deserves. To release this tension that tires you, you can practice meditation or even abdominal breathing. Try doing some physical activity in the morning or early afternoon to get rid of the anxious thoughts that overwhelm you.
And don’t forget to eat a light meal in the evening to promote restful sleep.
Do you wake up between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM? You are disappointed
If you have a habit of constantly waking up between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM, it means that you have had some disappointments in your life. You opened your heart and trusted someone, and in the end they deceived you.
Even though you have decided to move on, you find it difficult to let go of the past. In fact, this pain is rooted in you and prevents you from moving forward. To give your body the rest it deserves, express your feelings.
You can put your thoughts into words in a journal or confide in someone you trust.
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