Wash black clothes in the machine without bleaching them: the trick that not everyone knows! | March 7, 2025
Putting dark-colored garments in the washing machine is no picnic.
Indeed, black often loses its color and fades after a few washes.
For this reason, you will find washing instructions that will help your black clothing retain their color as you continue reading.
But if the garments seem worn, you may add a touch of black with tea to make them look even more worn. The method is straightforward: all it takes is two cups of tea in the washing machine to restore the color to its original splendor.
In my opinion, we need to start thinking about what strategies to use.
Our three-pronged strategy for preserving the black hue of our garments is detailed here.
Continued on next page
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Nana used to make this on the regular, and now we do! So refreshing and tasty! We make a huge batch and drink it over several weeks!