A woman’s attempt to test her date’s generosity took an unexpected turn when her plan went awry. In an unconventional move, she decided to bring along 23 family members to their blind date, hoping to assess her date’s willingness to share. However, what ensued was far from what she had anticipated.
The Failed Blind Date Test
The woman’s scheme, although bold, proved to be ill-conceived. Her date, known as Mr. Lui had wanted to impress Miss Zhang by offering to treat her and her relatives at one of his favorite restaurants. However, he was taken aback when confronted with not just her presence but that of her entire extended family, which amounted to 23 members. Understandably, Mr. Lui balked at the prospect of footing the bill for such a large gathering, leading to an uncomfortable situation.
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These ingredients are worth their weight in gold for plants: they have never been so luxuriant
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Turn chuck into a roast so tender, no one will know it only took 5 minutes to prep